“Great Gatherings” in Las Vegas, USA | March 11th, 2024

Press event

The Association of Leading Greek Producer Organizations of Greek Top Quality Wine & Cheese (Organosi Paragogon Ampelooinikon Agiou Vasileiou IKE (PGVSV PC) and Milk Producers Organization (PO) of the Agricultural Livestock Cooperative of Mesotopos Lesvos (PO AC Mesotopos) organised in Las Vegas, USA, the 1st Press Event of the 3-year promotional campaign, on March 11th, 2024 at 2 p.m. at the Leadership Stage, Forum Ballroom in CAESARS FORUM Convention Center (3911 S Koval Ln, Las Vegas) within the frame of the EU funded program “Great Gatherings” in order to provide information & promote the High-Quality European Wine & Cheese products in the Canada and USA markets!

The event aimed to brief journalists, health experts, importers, healthy food and lifestyle bloggers and distributors about the superior quality and exquisite taste of the European wine and cheese as well as Producers’ organizations high-end production standards. The products which were presented during the event are Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) Feta cheese and Ladotyri Mytilinis and the Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) Corinthia wine, both products of premium quality that can be matched perfectly.

The Agricultural Cooperative Mesotopos in Lesvos Island was founded in 1923 and operates continuously until today. This unit consists of 160 members who are active livestock farmers, which corresponds to about 18,000 sheep and goats while the production of sheep and goat milk amounts to 4,000,000 kg, out of which 3,200,000 kg of sheep milk and 800,000 kg of goat milk.

PGVSV PC is a newly established company, which was created in order to be active in the field of agricultural production and more specifically in the field of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Corinthia wine. PGVSV PC has already been recognized as a Producers Organization in the field of wine and consists of a group of 12 members-producers in the greater area of the Municipality of Corinth. The PO focuses on the cultivation of the Greek indigenous varieties, Malagouzia and Agiorgitiko.

The event attended also representatives from the Greek Embassy in Canada, including Mr. Dionysios Protopapas, Senior Trade Commissioner. In addition, the representative of PGVSV PC, Mr. Dimitrios Manolakis, presented to the guests the strict production and processing methods adopted by the Producers’ Organization at the Manolaki Winery.

At the event’s finale, a media kit containing Samples of Wine and Cheese, an Informative Brochure, 2 Crystal Wine Glasses and a Cheese Knife Set were given out to the attendants of the event.



great Gatherings